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WOW Fitness has created this blog so that we can communicate with you in a fun and personal manner with a variety of subjects from fitness techniques to new products on the market to funny and interesting things we come across in our daily exercise lives. We'll try to keep it light hearted and informative... please feel free to make comments regarding our posts and indeed any thoughts you may have on the subject in discussion. In the meantime we hope you enjoy reading our posts, and be sure to bookmark this page for quick and easy access.
WOW Fitness Team

Tuesday 2 August 2016

Good Morning AUGUST!

Tuesday 21 June 2016

Take a Break - Work, Health & Wellbeing...

“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes… including you” Anne Lamott

WOW FactI know you don’t want to take a break right now. WHY? because you’re too busy. This article is probably one of more than a few tabs you have open on your browser or phone. Your to-do list is likely close by and packed with tasks.

It may seem like a good idea to avoid taking a break from work in order to make yourself look like a hard worker, committed to the needs of the company, but this can create a workplace expectation or normalisation of not taking breaks, which puts pressure on others not to take their breaks as well.

Why are breaks so important?
It can be tempting to keep working through a break, to eat lunch at your desk, or even skip it completely, if you have to get something done. However your body needs a break, and not taking one can lead to exhaustion and anxiety, and cause your performance to deteriorate as you struggle to concentrate. Over time this can lead to sleep problems and long-term health conditions such as depression.
Make sure that your break is a break from work, not just a break from your desk - try not to discuss work matters with people, don't take paper work with you, and most importantly do something you enjoy. It's your break and your treat.
WOW Fact - It is important that people take their breaks, and spend at least 20 minutes uninterrupted by work matters. If you work at a desk for long periods of time, it is also important to regularly get up and move around - for example, if someone works nearby walk to talk to them instead of emailing, or get up regularly to top up your drink from the water cooler.

Here are some WOW ideas for things you can do during your break that are beneficial for your physical and/or mental wellbeing:
  • Read a book - lots of people enjoy reading but say they never have time to do it. Take the time during your working day!
  • Go for a walk/run - get some fresh air and get yourself moving.
  • Do an exercise class - find somewhere nearby that offers lunchtime exercise classes. Some places do 20-30 minute classes.
  • Leave the staffroom/office - visit a cafe or an outdoor space.
  • Challenge your brain - with something different from work, such as a game app e.g candy crush, sudoku or crossword puzzle.
  • Be sociable - meet up with friends, join a lunch-time social club that meets once or twice a week, or start one yourself!
Health Risks of Not Taking Breaks
Sitting still for long periods of time, or doing repetitive tasks, can cause conditions such as back pain, eye strain, impaired circulation, tense muscles, tiredness and stress. Taking short breaks every hour or so, even for just a few minutes, can make a significant difference. Try to spend two minutes stretching, taking a short walk, getting a drink to keep yourself hydrated etc. every hour.
Sometimes we know there’s a better way to do things, but we’re just so busy we don’t even think we have the time to find it, so we keep going like we always have.
There are many health risks involved in not taking a break from work. Persistently long levels of working can lead to serious medical conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, stress related disease and repetitive strain injuries. Not only is this clearly not good for the worker, it also leads to a depleted and demoralised workforce. Breaks should be regarded as an important part of the working day, and with all the benefits attributed to them, it’s counter-productive to miss them…When you “get into the groove like you got to prove…” (think Madonna)  of a task or project, your ideas are flowing and you feel WOW! But it doesn’t last forever— you stretch yourself just a bit beyond that productivity zone and you might feel unfocused, zoned out or even irritable.
The good news is that the WOW fix for this unfocused condition is simple—all we need is a brief interruption (aka a break) to get back on track…
In a nutshell, breaks help us re-valuate our goals. If we didn’t give the body a rest at night, it wouldn’t function very long. The only time the mind can have a real rest is when it stops thinking and only experiences. The trouble is that, without any downtime to refresh and recharge, we’re less efficient, make more mistakes, and get less engaged with what we’re doing.
Though on occasion events do take place that can lead to working through breaks, if this happens on a regular or consistent basis it can have a detrimental effect on your performance at work as well as your health, enjoyment, fulfillment and your sense of job satisfaction.
Having regular breaks also allows for physical and mental rest to be taken. Numerous studies have shown that taking regular breaks helps to revive workers who are able to then perform at a more optimum level when they return to work.
When you work on a task continuously, it’s easy to lose focus and get lost in the space! In contrast, following a brief intermission, picking up where you left off forces you to take a few seconds to think globally about what you’re ultimately trying to achieve. It’s a practice that encourages us to stay mindful of our objectives… and as I say “perfect practice makes you perfect…” Now what that’s famous line, “Take a break, have a Kit Kat or is it puke a Penguin!”

Yours In Fun, Health, Fitness & Mental Wellbeing

Friday 17 June 2016

WHY the Seven Eleven Technique is WOW for Relaxation...

WOW Fact - With mindfulness now all the rage and being a Fitness & Wellbeing Coach I advocate breathing techniques as a way to lessen anxiety and control stress levels, whether we are at work, home or play…

 Breathing techniques are not just 'mind tricks', they produce a bodily response that lowers your anxiety, stress, depression in a very physical way.

Deep breathing techniques all have one thing in common, they work by stimulating what is known as the Parasympathetic Nervous System. You may have heard of the 'fight or flight' response, the Parasympathetic Nervous System is simply the opposite of that ('fight or flight' is the term for the activation of the Sympathetic Nervous System) - instead of getting you ready for action, deep breathing activates a natural bodily response that can be described as 'rest and digest'. Out-breaths decrease your blood pressure, dilate your pupils and slow your heart rate – lowering emotional arousal in the process. 


WOW Fact - Practising a breathing technique a few times a day will lower your overall stress levels in the long term.

It's important to realise that it's the out-breaths that stimulate the response, so it stands to reason that a breathing technique with longer out-breaths than in-breaths will be more effective at lowering emotional arousal.

Breathing techniques in which the out-breath is the same length as the in-breath, or during which you focus on your anxious thoughts are generally less effective at quickly lowering the physical symptoms of anxiety, despite being a good way of being mindful or entering into a relaxed state.

Which breathing technique should you use?
The most powerful technique I know is called “7-11” breathing and it has been used for thousands of years throughout the world.

Here is how you do it, and it is as easy as it sounds: 

1 - breathe in for a count of 7.

2 - then breathe out for a count of 11.

Make sure that when you are breathing in, you are doing deep ‘diaphragmatic breathing’ (your diaphragm moves down and pushes your stomach out as you take in a breath) rather than shallower higher lung breathing. If you find that it’s difficult to lengthen your breaths to a count of 11 or 7, then reduce the count to breathing in for 3 and out to 5, or whatever suits you best, as long as the out-breath is longer than the in-breath.

Continue in this way for 5-10 minutes or longer if you have time – and enjoy the calming effect it will have on your mind and body. An added bonus of 7-11 breathing is that the very act of counting to 7 or 11 is a distraction technique, taking your mind off your immediate concerns.

If you are a visual person click on the link and enjoy watching the following short film on how to do the "7-11" breathing technique:


In a nutshell, take a deep breath and just enjoy life, tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are…

Why WALKING is good for YOU!

WOW Fact – 20-30 minutes of daily walking can be hugely beneficial to your Health and Wellbeing.

Spinning, swimming, pilates, yoga and the classic treadmill get all the attention when it comes to popular ways to stay healthy. There is, however, a more unassuming workout that might not get the recognition it deserves, but has all the benefits: walking.

Personally, what I love about walking is that anyone can do it at any age and any fitness level. Plus it is good for your heart, your head and your purse.

The recommended amount of exercise for adults is 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week. That breaks down to 30 minutes of exercise over five days a week. If you have never exercised or not exercised for a long time, I suggest starting with 2 – 3 shorter 10-minute walks and slowly build up to the 20-30 minute walk once you feel comfortable and the sooner you get started the sooner you’ll notice the difference in your mind and body.

WOW Fit FactWalk the Right Way

Walking is a great way to stay active and improve your fitness, without the added intensity that other exercise forms bring, so almost anyone can do it. A good walking technique is key to staying healthy and improving fitness.

The first rule of exercise is always engage your core muscles. This is particularly important in walking because you are upright the whole time and supporting your entire body weight. So tighten your stomach muscles.

The best way to do this is to make sure you are not slouching when you walk, spinal alignment is part of this core strength. You should stand up straight, trying not to lean too far forward or backward with your chin parallel to the ground.  Be mindful of potential hazards in your path, just keep your gaze a few feet in front of you instead of right at your feet. Let your arms swing naturally and roll through your foot from heel to toe…

GO GREEN! – a WOW way to connect with nature is Walking in green spaces, it can reduce stress levels/depression, raise self-esteem, improve sleep, boost your mood, enhances psychological wellbeing and improves attention and concentration.

In a nutshell, the best thing about walking is you can do it solo, with a friend, family or work colleagues, it’s fun and it doesn’t cost a penny!

“All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking.” Fredrich Nietzsche

Why EAT 5-A-DAY?

WOW Fact – The message to eat 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day has been drummed in to us for years. A minimum of 400g (or five 80g portions) of fruit and vegetables a day is said to lower the risk of serious health problems, including heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and some cancers. As most fresh fruit and vegetables are low in fat and calories, the five-a-day target can help you maintain a healthy weight and heart.


VERY LARGE FRUIT: cantaloupe melons, watermelons, pineapple = 1 LARGE SLICE

LARGE FRUIT: grapefruits, mangos, papayas = HALF A FRUIT

MEDIUM FRUIT: apples, avocados, bananas, oranges, peaches, pears = A WHOLE FRUIT

SMALL FRUIT: apricots, clementines, figs, kiwi fruit, passion fruit, plums, satsumas, tomatoes = 2 WHOLE FRUIT

BERRY-TYPE FRUIT: blackberries, blackcurrants, blueberries, cherries, cranberries, gooseberries, grapes, raspberries, strawberries = 1 CUPFUL(SHOULD BE COFFEE MUG SIZED)

STEWED, TINNED, MIXED FRUIT: apples, apricots, fruit cocktail, fresh fruit salad, peaches, pears, pineapples = 3 TBSP

DRIED FRUIT: apricots, bananas, cranberries, dates, figs, papaya, pineapple, raisins, sultanas = 1 TBSP

FRUIT JUICE: all actual fruit juices, including tomato, freshly squeezed or processed, not fruit drinks = 1 MEDIUM GLASS (150ML/ 5FL OZ)

MIXED SALAD VEGETABLES: celery, cucumber, iceberg and other pale lettuces = 1 DESSERT BOWLFUL

CRUCIFEROUS VEGETABLES: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, radishes, turnips, swedes = 2 TBSP

GREEN LEAFY VEGETABLES: chard, dark green winter cabbage, kale, pak choi, rocket, romaine lettuce, spinach, watercress = 2 TBSP

OTHER VEGETABLES: aubergines, carrots, green beans, mushrooms, onions, peas, peppers, squashes = 2 TBSP

SPROUTING BEANS: alfalfa, bean sprouts = HALF A CUPFUL

BEANS AND PULSES: baked beans, black beans, chickpeas, kidney beans, lentils, soya beans = HALF A CUPFUL


1) Sprinkle a cup of berries on your cereal - 1 portion.

2) Mash a banana on your toast instead of jam - 1 portion.

3) Make a smoothie: Combine a glass of fruit juice with a banana, and a cupful of berries or another fruit - 3 portions.

4) Have beans on toast with a grilled tomato - 2 portions.

5) Combine fresh fruit and yoghurt: Try a chopped apple with 1 tbsp chopped apricots and 1 tbsp apricots with low-fat natural yoghurt - 3 portions.


1) Instead of buying a pre-packed sandwich, get one made to order and ask for tomato, avocado, rocket, onions and alfalfa sprouts with your filling - 1-2 portions.

2) Bring soup to work in a flask - heat up a can and throw in some frozen peas, sliced mushrooms, carrots, sweetcorn or asparagus. Each 2tbsp is a portion.

3) Have a glass of juice instead of a fizzy drink - 1 portion.

4) Have a dessert. A portion of fruit after your meal will fill you up and add nutrients - 1 portion.


1) Add vegetables to pizzas and stir fries. Pile pizza with mushrooms, peppers, spinach and extra tomato sauce. Add carrots, peppers and bean sprouts to stirfries - 1-2 portions.

2) Make a fruit dessert: Stuff a cored apple with 2tbsp raisins and bake at 200C/400F/Gas 6 for 45 minutes - 2 portions.

3) When making mashed potato, add vegetables. Cabbage, swede, carrots, parsnips, chopped onion or sweetcorn all work well - and add nutrients - 1 portion.
In a nutshell, eat WOW, feel WOW! Fruit & Vegetables go together like Cardio & Weights, Water & Tea, Yoga & Sleep and Motivation & Perseverance...

Thursday 16 June 2016

Why Drink WATER?

WOW  Fact - Drinking water can help you lose weight. This increases the rate at which our body breaks down FAT...
Drinking water is one of the easiest efforts you can incorporate into your weight loss or weight maintenance plan.

Think about it: unlike saying no to eating that cake at work or going to kickboxing or spinning class once or twice a week, making sure you are drinking enough water requires little to no will power.

There’s no excuse for not drinking enough water, and if you’re having trouble finding a way to fit your recommended 8 glasses a day in to your schedule it’s an easy fix.

Water helps maintain muscle tone by assisting muscles in their ability to contract, and it lubricates your joints. Water flushes toxins from your body’s system, including those produced during exercise. Proper hydration can help reduce muscle and joint soreness/injury when exercising.
Did you know that often when you feel hungry, you’re really thirsty? Our mind tends to confuse hunger and thirst.

Water is great because it fills us up and keeps us from overeating. Many diet and health books recommend drinking a glass of water before going to social events, like cocktail parties and sporting events, because doing so will stop you from over-eating the unlimited unhealthy snack foods likely to be there. In essence, drinking water buys you time- time to assess how hungry you are and to make better food choices.
Dehydration is your body’s enemy. It slows bodily functions and metabolism. As a matter of fact, your metabolism will slow to conserve energy when you haven’t had enough water to drink, as your organs can’t and won’t function as efficiently.
Drinking ice cold water first thing in the morning is an easy way to speed up your metabolism. Right when you wake up, drink a glass or two of cold water. Your body will have to warm up the water entering your system, which means increasing your metabolism in the process.
The benefits of drinking water :-
  1. Helps lose weight
  2. Healthy skin / a radiant complexion / bright, clear eyes
  3. Fights infection
  4. Get rid of body toxins
  5. Healthy heart
  6. Prevent joint pains & arthritis
  7. Boost energy
  8. Prevent constipation
  9. Reduce risk of cancer
  10. Improves productivity
In a nutshell,  DO NOT WORRY that drinking water will give your body a bloated look. There are a number of causes of water retention, including consuming too much salt. But drinking water is NOT one of them…

“Water is the driving force of all nature…” Leonardo Da Vinci



Water is great because it fills us up and keeps us from overeating. Many diet and health books recommend drinking a glass of water before going to social events, like cocktail parties and sporting events, because doing so will prevent you from overeating the unlimited unhealthy snack foods likely to be there. In essence, drinking water buys you time--time to assess how hungry you are and to make better food choices. requires little to no will power.requires little to no will power.

There's no excuse for not drinking enough water, and if you're having trouble finding a way to fit your recommended 8 glasses a day into your schedule, it's an easy fix.

Water helps maintain muscle tone by assisting muscles in their ability to contract, and it lubricates your joints. Water flushes toxins from your body's system, including those produced during exercise. Proper hydration can help reduce muscle and joint soreness/injury when exercising.

Did you know that often when you feel hungry, you're really just thirsty? Our mind tends to confuse hunger and thirst.

Water is great because it fills us up and keeps us from overeating. Many diet and health books recommend drinking a glass of water before going to social events, like cocktail parties and sporting events, because doing so will prevent you from overeating the unlimited unhealthy snack foods likely to be there. In essence, drinking water buys you time--time to assess how hungry you are and to make better food choices.

Dehydration is your body's enemy. It slows bodily functions and metabolism. As a matter of fact, your metabolism will slow to conserve energy when you haven't had enough water to drink, as your organs can't and won't function as efficiently.

Drinking ice cold water first thing in the morning is an easy way to speed up your metabolism. Right when you wake up, drink a glass or two of cold water. Your body will have to warm up the water entering your system, which means increasing your metabolism in the process.

The benefits of drinking water for skin are numerous.

Skin is intricately tied to the overall health of your body. When your body is properly hydrated, you'll look better and feel better.

Adequate water rewards you with...
•Enhanced health
•Increased energy
•Bright, clear eyes
•A radiant complexion

And finally, DO NOT WORRY that drinking water will give your body a bloated look. There are a number of causes of water retention, including consuming too much salt. But drinking water is NOT one of them.

"Water is the driving force of all nature."
Leonardo da Vinci

Tuesday 19 April 2016

When Something Hits You Right In The FEELS...

They say there are no brakes on the “Feel Train”…
“Feels” is a shorthand for the word “feelings” that is used to describe an intense emotional response, such as sadness, excitement or awe. The term is also commonly associated with the phrase “right in the feels,” which indicates that something has deeply affected the speaker.
WOW Fact – It’s a painful experience to be deeply connected with a man/woman, only to find him/her pulling away and losing interest.
Have you ever been with a man/woman who seemed to really like/love you, only to begin distancing himself/herself and saying he/she wasn’t ready for a commitment? It takes a special kind of WOW deep emotional attraction for a man/woman to feel compelled to keep a man/woman in his/her life with a shared promise of committed intentions in the future.
I have had so many conversations recently with people asking me about relationship issues that I have felt compelled to write about this topic, in reality, this topic affects us all!
“The course of true love never did run smooth” William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream
WOW Fact – How right Shakespeare was!!!
Stress is often a big factor in relationship problems, whether it’s the demands of work, bringing up children or challenges posed by redundancy, retirement etc Most damaging of all for many relationships are the after-effects of an affair.
WOW Fact – but just as certain behaviours can jeopardise a relationship, others can strengthen it, including:
  • Trust
  • Share decision-making
  • Intimacy – physical, emotional and psychological
  • Sexual attraction
  • Investing time and energy in working at the relationship
  • Emotional support for each other
  • Positive actions, whether this is giving your partner a hug, being ready to listen when they need to talk or even bringing them a cup of tea
  • Clear communication
  • Negotiation skills
  • Tolerance, flexibility and patience
I dislike the word ‘baggage’ however most people use this word in terms of a relationship. So if I were to say what “Louis Vuitton” did you bring to your relationship what would you reply? In my experience, people have strong like bull views about everything from how the household should be run to the kind of sex life they expect. WOW Fact – lots of this expensive baggage comes from upbringing and previous relationships and also men and women often have very different approaches to the various issues that crop up in a relationship.
It’s crucial that you have an honest discussion with your partner about your expectations for the relationship. Who’s going to clean the house? Who is responsible for childcare? How will you handle the finances? How much ‘personal’ time should you each have? How often should you expect to have sex? What are your respective views on fidelity, commitment and trust?
If you’re lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky, you’ll agree on most things but most likely, you’ll both need to compromise.
Many relationships suffer through sheer neglect, through simply not spending enough quality time together and this is when the ‘negative police’ creep in and revel in dreary routine and familiar disagreements! Always think back to the things you used to enjoy as a couple – going out to the cinema, staying in bed till noon, buying each other little gifts – START DOING THEM AGAIN – plan ahead make a date: just as you did when you first got together.
WOW Tip - delve beneath the surface and discover the truth about what a meaningful relationship would look like for you. Try not to get caught up in illusions created by others that do not reflect your own reality, needs, and desires
In a nutshell, some think love can be measured by the amount of butterflies in their tummy. Others think love can be measured in bunches of flowers, or by using the words ‘forever’. But love can only truly be measured by actions. It can be a small WOW thing, such as ironing a shirt for a person or peeling an orange for a person or washing the car for the person you love because you know they don’t have time or you know they don’t like doing it.
 “We've got this gift of love, but love is like a precious plant. You can't just accept it and leave it in the cupboard or just think it's going to get on by itself. You've got to keep watering it. You've got to really look after it and nurture it”.  John Lennon
Sonia Cullington / Live, Laugh, Love Coach