Well it has been two weeks since our last session as I have started a new job, Paul been away and things have been a bit mad!!!!!
Anyway I’m back I have been getting in a few runs and doing some weights at home !!!
Sonia trying to get me in the spirit of Halloween this session however I think “The Witch is a *itch” after the weights I have been lifting............ouch......but I am burning the fat.......YEAH!!
Portion size is still key and I have been sticking with the glad bag and it really does help! Thanks for that Boss!
Going to try really hard to get lots of sessions in before Christmas so I do not end up like a Christmas Pud!!!Yet again another great workout today with reps of 50 AGAIN..............AND EVEN heavier weights look out Jodi Marsh....lol
xxBubble bubble toil & trouble....I will be casting spells on your workouts Kelly! Be afraid, very afraid...The BOSSx aka The Good Witch of the Northxxxxx