Welcome to our WOW Fitness Blog

WOW Fitness has created this blog so that we can communicate with you in a fun and personal manner with a variety of subjects from fitness techniques to new products on the market to funny and interesting things we come across in our daily exercise lives. We'll try to keep it light hearted and informative... please feel free to make comments regarding our posts and indeed any thoughts you may have on the subject in discussion. In the meantime we hope you enjoy reading our posts, and be sure to bookmark this page for quick and easy access.
WOW Fitness Team

Friday 1 April 2011

PT CLient KELLY talks about her WOW Experience...

I have now been Training with WOW Fitness (Sonia) since May 2010 and I have never been happier with my body!!! I went to the gym four to five times a week before hooking up with Sonia and can honestly say I have never achieved the results I am achieving now. You need to be committed to getting the results you want and not give up if you have a bad week! You can have treats and enjoy naughty foods in moderation and trust me once you see the results the rest is easy.
Sonia makes training fun but at the same time focuses on getting the results you want from each session.  I am so confident now and my wardrobe has become more daring because I want people to see the figure I have worked so hard to get.  I would encourage anyone to work with WOW because you will be a different person at the end of it. 
What I love about Sonia is there is no beating around the bush you tell her what you want to achieve and she will help you get there with a manageable program that suits you.
Thanks Sonia for all your help getting my body to how I wanted it to look and making me realise curves are good and boy I feel WOW.
Kelly Goodacre
To date Kelly has lost 17lbs...she has maintained her weightloss for a number of months and at the moment we are doing "DARE TO BARE WOW WORKOUTS!"  Kelly is going on holiday in 10 weeks time and said to me "Sonia, I want to look the best I have ever looked in a bikini..." and the workouts I have designed for the next few weeks will do just that! If you would like to ask Kelly about her WOW experience please leave your comments and we will reply.
Soniax (aka Miss Wow - Chief Wellness Officer)


  1. Kelly Goodacre6 April 2011 at 21:35

    Hey Sonia
    Great work out yesterday but boy did my legs ache tonight! No pain no gain I know so I did a twenty minute run to loosen off tonight which helped no end!Bikini body here I come.

  2. Hey Sonia
    Got into a size 8 jeans this week !!!! WOW!!!
    Encourages me to keep going as the hard work pays off.

    Thanks for all your help & support
